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How do I order a book from the repository?

How do I order a book from the repository?


  • This is how you order a book from the repository:

    • Go to the library start page. Write the title of the journal/book in the search box
    • Choose the right book in the result list
    • Scroll down to "Stockholms universitetsbibliotek". Click on the blue icon that says "REQUEST".
    • A new tab will open. Click on the blue icon "Beställ"
    • If you are not already logged in, you will then be asked to log in with your university account.
    • A new box will open. Confirm that you want to order the book by pressing the button that says ”Ja”
    • You have now ordered the book.
    We process ordered books Monday through Friday. At Frescati Library, orders placed before 7 a.m. can be collected the same day. Orders placed after 7 a.m. are available the following day. We’ll send you an email when your order is available. We’ll also send you an email if we cannot find the items you ordered for some reason.
    (Uppdaterad )

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